Sustainability as a Lifestyle: What it Means for Consumers & Brands
How can the average person make sustainable and ethical decisions in his or her everyday life? What are brands’ responsibilities to make these decisions easier and more accessible for consumers? These were just a two of the many questions discussed at the " Sustainability as a Lifestyle: What it Means for Consumers & Brands" conference. Guest got the chance to hear a panel of communication professionals discuss how an average person can make can make sustainable and ethical decisions in their everyday life.
I found this conference interesting because it aligned with my law and ethics class I am taking this semester. I found a lot of materials that we discussed in class came up in discussion. During one part of the conversation, the panel explored how a person's morals and ethics can be challenged at their work place. There were a number of different scenarios thrown out and the audience also chimed in. This was my favorite part of the conference. Since the topic was one that I am currently studying, I hear my classmates views constantly. It was interesting to hear from different people.
The panel was also very diverse in their answers. All from different corners of the field, I loved how each of their answers were not the same. They had difference stances and all stood by their opinions confidently and respectfully.
The moderator, Molly Malloy, was engaging and entertaining. She staged questions that started controversy and dared the panel to dig deeper.