Highlights of Adweek 2013

The Connected World

It was an energetic and vibrant environment at the New York Times Center Stage during one of the morning sessions of the Advertising Week conference held which took place from September 23-27. The connected world, starring Shelly Palmer, host "Shelly Palmer Digital Living" outlined how technology is quickly becoming adapted to everyday activities and lives. Participants were shown an exclusive video of a virtual connected home, shopping center, and workplace, it showcased demonstrations of how consumers are changing,  using connected devices in various facets of their lives. Participants were exposed to terms like the Internet of Things (IoT), Machine to Machine (MtoM)—terms used to describe how devices have become more connected than ever before. Finally, session participants were advised to learn how to integrating marketing and advertising in the connected space. 

Mobile Matters in a Multiscreen World 

This session presented challenges and opportunities that marketers could potentially leverage to meet and engage consumers. Hosted by Tim Reis and Jesse Haines from Google, participants were also lectured on how to leverage touch points and ultimately tackle the challenge of attributing across channels and how to stay ahead of the curve, noting that smartphones bridge the digital world. 

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