What exactly is a mental six pack?

Location: General Assembly

Date: Monday, February 1, 2016

The brain is a muscle just like all others in our body. You have to continuously work it, feed it, and surprise it with different exercises to reap any growth. Once you start treating it as such, and actively condition it for moments of adversity, you’ll have an improved sense of control, as you’re already primed and ready to handle it. This was highlighted during the General Assembly conference: "Get a Mental Six Pack." 

Conference Description:
“Anxiety, worry, beating yourself up... These are forms of mental fat -- redundant, unproductive thinking that slows you down. As a start-up entrepreneur operating in an environment of relentless change and uncertainty, mental fat is a luxury you can’t afford."

This interactive program was presented by Renita Kalhorn, a mental toughness coach who mentors Navy SEAL candidates.  This conference emphasized three steps to a create a lean, agile mindset:

1. OVERRIDE your biology (so you're not ruled by fight-or-flight reactions)

2. BURN the mental fat (Shared specific exercises so you know exactly what to do)

3. FLEX your mental muscles (Implement the strategies learned)

Renita stated that "By shedding hours of worry, guilt and doubt. You will develop an unshakeable sense of control, self-confidence and ability to influence others. Resulting in a fat-free mind.”

After attending this event, I learned the importance of perception and reviewed tactics to overcome unproductive thinking, which can cause negative energy. There were also a number of thematic tips that were covered that kept things simple when applying the above 3 principles to everyday life. 

For example:
What not to Do: Look for reasons to give up
Do this: See obstacles as a chance to prove yourself
I personally don’t have this gene, but I know plenty that subconsciously lie to themselves and conjure up reasons as to why they can’t achieve said goals. The worst part, is that some actually believe those walls of doubt. Changing perspective and taking up these goals as a personal challenge to yourself cannot only be extremely motivating, but also addictive. Once you take this approach with something small, it’ll domino into other accomplishments.

​What not to do: Do it if you feel like it
Do this: Feel the feelings, and do it anyway
This theme basically states to go through your feelings no matter how emotionally draining they might be, and not to let that interfere with your productivity in getting the job done.

What not to do: Try to control the uncontrollable
Do this: Be committed to the process but not attached to a specific outcome
Being fully aware of what you can and can’t control is not only extremely liberating, but also keeps stress at a minimum. Once the reins are let go of situations out of our hands the stress of accountability is relieved and the quality of work on other goals are stronger.

What not to do: Have a fixed mindset: “I’m not good at this.”
Do this: Have a growth mindset: “I’m not good at this YET”
There’s always room for improvement, and nothing is impossible in terms of self-growth. Modifying how you communicate your abilities is the first step to actually improving them.
What not to do: Focus on scarcity, entitlement and time
Do this: Focus on abundance, gratitude and flow
Staying positive will always be to your benefit, as negativity does nothing but slow us down. Stay optimistic and accomplish more.
The big take away here is to change the way you view problems. Use them as an opportunity to solve a challenge. If you stay conscious of these principles and commit to the process that growth is only possible through adversity you’ll build a mental six pack

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