#UnstoppableLatinas Leadership Summit

On March 27th, I attended the #UnstoppableLatinas Leadership Summit hosted by WebCityGirls, in partnership with 100 Hispanic Women National. Each panel contained women in leadership positions, within tech and media, and focused on the best ways to be a leader and help others become leaders.

The main focus was success through collaboration instead of competition. By learning to unite and empower one another, we are pushing our way into powerful roles in business, marketing, etc. The purpose is empowerment and all we can do to raise the number of women in powerful roles, which are slim to none and the number is even smaller when looking at women of color in powerful roles. It is all about what you can do for me and what I can do for you. Through mentorship and networking, women will become unstoppable.


What was memorable to me was just how important women are in business.
In the first panel, Powerhouse Latinas: Thought Leadership Through Purposeful Business, Liz Blacker, EVP of Multicultural Strategy and Sales at iHeartMedia, stated when women are kept from conversations were decisions are made, companies leave money on the table. Companies that leave women out of powerful roles and decision-making, are missing out on many opportunities and are probably missing out on potential profits.

Lucienne Gigante, Co-Founder of Access Latina, said it best, “When we invest in women we invest in communities.” Women have their hand in everything, and while most of the time they are working behind the scenes, they are known to be the controller and decision-maker. Women are natural born leaders and the best decision for a company would be to take advantage of that natural ability. Unfortunately, despite this natural talent, women have to work twice as hard as their male counterparts.

In order to get other women on the same path as these successful women, the way must be paved and it’s always better to hear from another female, especially one who is in the position that you wish to be, just how to do it. The more women that get involved, the easier it will be to change the ways things are and the better it will be for the following generations.

Madein Bosakewich - VP of Sales IBT Media
Lucienne Gigante - Co-founder of Access Latina
Liz Blacker - EVP of Multicultural Strategy and Sales at iHeartMedia
Carolina Santamarina - General Manager/Vice President of Spanish Broadcasting System (SBS)

Another memorable moment was when the keynote speaker, Laura I. Gomez, CEO of Atipica, spoke on how it feels to be an entrepreneur. She said, you’re an entrepreneur because you’re building something out of nothing.” You are literally making something out of thin air and it can be extremely overwhelming, but when you succeed, it will be your greatest success. She mentions that, you know you’re on the right path when you begin questioning yourself and why you even started, but that is just the process of being an entrepreneur and it shows that you still care about what you’re doing.

But of course, starting something new without any help can be extremely intimidating. So Lynn Ponder, Host, Creator of #UnstoppableLatinas, and Founder of WebCityGirls, makes sure to mention to, “never be afraid of going for it, never be afraid of not knowing,” during her panel, Collaboration Not Competition: Unite & Conquer. While you need to network and make connections, in the end the only person you can count on is you. So take your fear and the uncomfortable feeling you may have, and realize it means you're on the right track. You need to make the decisions and you need to take action. Which is why Ivette Mayo, Found of POWER on Heels Network, said, “it only takes one person to be on your side: you.” Before anything, you must ensure to empower yourself.

Ivette Mayo - Founder of POWER on Heels Network
Lynn Ponder - Creator of #UnstoppableLATINAS & Founder of webcitygirls.com
Olga Maria - Founder of DreamsInHeels.com

In the end, you learn, the only one standing in your way is yourself. So to end the summit, they had Certified Life Coach, Maria Caso speak to make suggestions for when making goals.
Her tips were to:
1. Be Specific.
2. Be Measureable.
3. Attainable.
4. Be Realistic.
5. Be Time Certain.
She also mentioned to ensure you pick someone you can count on, even if it was her, to help you keep track and keep you responsible for achieving your goals/timeline.

Just like the rest of the speakers said, action is key. You must take the first step and hold yourself accountable.

What she kept reiterating was, “the access to knowledge is action.” The more you do, the more you learn, the more you succeed.

But in order to do that you must stay focused. Surround yourself with a top of the line support system that consist of people with goals just as big as yours and make sure you all accomplish them. Keep the positivity alive and support those around you.

In the end, ensure you are building yourself. The key is to find your authentic self.
This summit allowed me a glimpse into the community that I would love to be apart of. To not settle myself short and dream big. It may seem impossible, but with confidence in yourself and strong leaders around you, you can be UNSTOPPABLE.

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