Ad Industry Tackles Society @ The ARF Salon Series
The Advertising Research Foundation (ARF) recently debuted
their new event series for members (and BIC Students). These intimate, fire
side chat style conversations, entitled The
Salon Series, bring together advertising thought leaders and strategic
thinkers to discuss topics that matter to our industry and society. This string
of 6 events are hosted at the ARF headquarters and run throughout the spring
season! After each of the discussions guest are encouraged to connect, network,
extend the panel discussion food and wine (Yes to food. Yes to wine.)
As an Integrated Marketing Manager at a lifestyle
publication, three of the six panels peaked my interest: Corporate Social Responsibility, What’s It Worth?, TV Killed the Radio
Star, But Will Anything Kill Upfronts?, and Emerging Tech: How Will 5G
Supercharge AI?
#1 Corporate Social Responsibility, What’s It Worth? - March 7th
With all that’s happening in politics and society in 2019,
the question (or questions) of the hour lives within the title of this panel
discussion. Those questions being, should brands care? Who cares if they care? and
Does care equal coins for stakeholders?
The panel consisted of ARF President and CEO Scott McDonald,
Head of Sustainability for North America at Unilever Viviana Alvarez, and Susan
Burton, SVP Enterprise Marketing and Social Governance Programs at Bank of

After the panelists shared best practices and case studies
that showcased the value of CSR and why it’s important to have brands with
purpose, there were two main takeaways from the discussion.
This in this over-connected society, consumers
can “VERIFY YOUR VALUES”, Susan mentioned, “there has to be a company
investment in your purpose or philanthropy throughout your value chain”. From leadership to employees, to contractors,
and manufactures, there the brand purpose must be easily identifiable,
engraining your brand purpose into your culture makes your efforts authentic.
CSR works hand in hand with brand marketing
because, “If you are doing good and nobody knows in this generation, then you
might as well not be doing good” -- Viviana Alvarez, Unilever. It is up to
brand marketers to communicate the relevance and importance of their
organizations purpose to the world.
This panel widened my perceptive on CSR from just doing acts
of kindness for the community and customers, to an important part of the brands