How to Grow Your Personal Brand to Build Your Influence and Gain Credibility | Mian Li

Video is now one of the most popular ways for marketing, it helps both customer and sales success. Today's conference is to help marketers to create and use video in exceptional ways to truly connect with the audience, earn their trust and motivate them to share stories, engage with the brand and love the brand.

In this conference, Renee Teeley talked about different funnel stages and personas align your personal brand and video work with your business and brand. She said, "develop an influencer strategy to build credibility for your business and build trust with video, especially live video.” As we all know, in order to attract new business and gain new audiences we should build trust and credibility. People like to do business with people they know, like and trust. People also like to follow influencers who show their real personality and unique style.

Secondly, she pointed out “use data to change your strategy and repurpose content and turn video engagement into business results.”A strong personal brand is the best tool to help you grow substantially your trust and credibility. Your personal brand acts as your unique promise of value to other people. As long as you are delivering this value to other people, you will gain more trust. These trust and credibility will lead people to become your brand ambassadors. Later, it will directly affect your business and new growth opportunities.

     “Right now, it's more important than ever to build your personal brand as some businesses are closing entirely. It’s critical to find ways to stand out from the competition,”
Teeley said. Personal branding is building a personal brand professionally instead of becoming a personality or online celebrity. Personal branding is also about finding ways to serve others for that thing you wanted to be known for, that thing you are passionate about. Always focused on how to leverage your skill set to help others by growing up a personal brand you need to reach more people.

Moreover, it’s good to know how to collaborate with industry professionals and use online events to connect with people and target the right audience. You need to constantly and consistently grow and expand your connections so that you can attract new business and build better business relationships.
Meanwhile, learn to pick the best platform for your niche. For example, LinkedIn is a good way to connect with businesses and professionals. It doesn’t need to be over complicated, just go to where your audience is already and participate in those online conversations. Don’t just simply comment and reply on the post but also add values to other people’s posts. It is also a good way to attract attention from the influencers in your industry. More importantly, share contents from people you want to collaborate with first, commenting on their posts consistently to get their attention.

Last, becoming a public speaker. It really helps you to communicate with your audience directly and helps your audience to know your style and the value of your brand. People like to cooperate and associate themselves with successful people. Your personal brand should be your tool to demonstrate your personal success to others.

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