Strategic Advertising Forum

I attended the Strategic Advertising Forum at One World Trade. The forum was organized by Grass Roots professionals which is a company that’s offers professional development programs, networking events, in-person, and online educational opportunities for government relations and communication professionals. The people on the panel were advertising professional that discusses the current trends in digital advertising. This conference was sponsored by MV Digital Group.

The first speaker Beth Heller, Google Partner Enablement Manager discuss about how big YouTube has become in the advertising world. She stated that “attention is scarce but we are plentiful” in 2013 humans have the attention span has gone down from 12 seconds to 8 seconds. Beth mentioned that YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world, 25-54 year olds reaches 90% of the internet. User spend over an hour on YouTube a day and for Americans it’s the third most time consuming activity other than sleeping and working. A lot of the ads on YouTube at 95% viewable as well as 95% are watched with sound. People are three times more likely to pay attention to online video ads vs. TV ads. The best time limits for ads on YouTube should are either 30, 15, or 6 seconds long but the shorter the ad the quicker your message should come across. Six seconds are more effective for the short attention span.

Beth continues on how to target you YouTube ads by demographics and target them by their interests. To identify, warm leads, by users who view your ad on YouTube. Use real time integration of the full Consumer Journey by doing user search history, using apps, and maps data to reach audience. Beth recommended that it’s best to have your YouTube ad be only pay per view or for engagement as list other items that’s listed below. 

 •     Skippable format helps us to target the right audience
 •     Reach, attention, and storytelling
 •     Identify marketing objective goals

The second panel where a group of professionals Thomas Sanchez, CEO of SocialDriver, 
Sue Zoldak, founder of the Zoldak Agency, Pooja Hoffman, marketing director at Hive, and Zach Silber director at Kivvit. The panel was hosted by Eric Story, the vice president of Grassroots Professional Network and they discuss about the digital advertising and what are the most proficient steps to take for a campaign. Eric asked, what are the most requested channel that clients want to use for their campaign? All of them agreed that Facebook is the most requested channel but that’s not so necessary for all campaigns to use that channel. To track trends do some research on whose running an ad that’s most relevant. Develop easy to do touch points, nurture aspects right now that will take the consumer to the longer aspect. One of the panelist said that using an influencer can be fraudulent because it will only stay in that community that follows the influencer. When it comes to running a digital campaign it’s best to track actionable data and check where the campaign is having any pitfalls and quickly make changes. 

One of the panelist spoke understanding and keeping up with the campaign with the following steps.

Educate- express who you are
Convert- take action
Loyalty- keep talking about you and your brand 

My biggest takeaway from this conference was when Zach Silber said before working on a campaign you should do some research on the client and ask yourself three questions. “Who has power? (Who is running the company?) What do they get persuade by and from who?” He said by doing that research will help develop the message that you want to get across for a digital campaign. 

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