Tedxcuny Conference Recap - Circuits

I got the opportunity of attending and speaking at the 2017 TedXCuny conference that took place at the New York Hall of Science in Queens, New York. The theme of the conference was Circuits. Circuits explored the circuits between people, places, and ideas. What problems and solutions are created by the changing circuits of the digital age. Tedxcuny has long served as a circuit bringing together students, faculty, and staff from diverse backgrounds and striving for equal access to opportunity, making it an ideal place to have these conversations. The conference had ten speakers from different works of life such as Film, Media, Art, Public Health, Music, Law and Engineering. The speakers includes Tyler Bird, Hannah Kit, Andrea Dixon, Elise Crull, Desiree Bailey, Kim Gouldbourne, Sonia Gonzalez, Olga Torres, Adam Ortiz and myself. So many things stood out to me at the conference but one of the speaker that resonated with me the most was Andrea Dixon. Andrea Dixon is Phd Candidate in communications at Columbia University, where she interviews humans and database both key sites of inquiry and insights. Dixons work consider the use of data as evidence in the public policy making focused on the contemporary history of data analytics in policing, public safety and security, her previous work experience includes public media production and reporting for the American life and Georgia public broadcasting. The takeaways from her speech was that it is important to be ethical while storing data, by this she further explained that malfunction may happen but a person should be super responsible for making sure data are not to be tampered with. Also she mentioned that it is important to have a permanent base where data can be stored forever in case of future inquiries and investigations 


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