Creative in Tech

The Creatives In Tech conference was very interesting and intriguing. The conference and conference speakers really dove into a different aspect of using AI and how AI can actually help build a better brand experience and an overall consumer experience.

To begin the conference, Mike Ferraro from the Info Design and Tech Lab, discussed different tools that helped or assisted in the idea of the intersection between art and technology and how a deep dive into AI tools were able to look at fully, what a brand such as Tommy Hilfiger had to offer. He put an interesting emphasis on how customized tools can assist in the visual recognition and can also help the brand visualize trends and also predict trends for the upcoming season. Using this different tools to really deep dive into the brand essentials could potentially boost a new wave for designer brands in the future.

One of the more distinct ways Mr. Ferraro spoke on AI was using AI tools to potentially create made-to-order designs for the brand. This was a new and interesting insight into brands because of the idea to tailor mass customization to be responsive to individual personality which is actually a very hard task to accomplish. From this Ferraro really gave the idea that brands, using this technology,would be able to personalize pieces for consumers based on AI from your Twitter feed and the language you use on an everyday basis. This means that in the future, brands, using AI will really be able to customize pieces based on the interactive language we use in regular conversation. They will be able to learn from us to make sure that they are connecting with us during the right moments and creating the right pieces or experiences for the right moments that we need them in.

But one of the most interesting and intriguing talks was from a David Rose of Enchanted Objects. Rose spoke on using AR to build brand experiences. This entire session really broke down the concept of brands building experiences to give us what we want, when we want it. Also how we can really use AR to bring past experiences to life and applying them to current situations that gives more opportunities to for brands to tell stories. It was unique in the way as to how he really described brands using the AR technology to tell stories about and bring them full circle to their consumers.

I truly think although AI and AR may be still new for businesses and definitely out of the realm of being considered normal. It is a new wave for the future that brands will have to think about implementing.

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